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Project Benefits


The potash mining project, Udon Thani province will significantly affect to the local communities, region and the Kingdom of Thailand. The project will help
reducing poverty and generate both directly and indirectly incomes. The training to transfer technology will improve the potential of human resources.
The socio-economic infrastructure improvement and the community development will improve the quality of people life in the communities, as well as the
multiple growth economy of the Northeast region through the project development, the related industries and the country.  The country economy anticipated
from increasing trade balance by reducing of potash import and increasing of potash export , and increased the government revenues through the tax system,
resulting to improve of the country's economy

National Level Benefit

1. It will reinforce firm foundation and security for Thai farmers. Their competitiveness in the world market will be improved by increasing crop production,
reducing production costs as potassium fertilizer comparing to the imported one, and sufficient to be used in the country usage.

2.The promotion of potassium fertilizer production will be the development of the natural resource in the Northeast of Thailand. It is a value added industry
that able to spread prosperity to the region. It will generate jobs and incomes for the people in the area both directly and indirectly. The study can be applied
in the project as it will create over 900 direct jobs (long term) and over 4,500 indirect jobs.

3.The potassium fertilizer product exceeding the domestic market will be exported to the world market to generate income for the country, which will be
increasing of the international trade balances due to the decrease importing and gain of income from potash exporting. And, because of the potash used for
fertilizer product is currently came only by importing.

4. Besides, the increasing government incomes over 29,500 million Baht to be generated throughout the project period will come from bonus when the mining
license is granted, there are the special benefit from the mining, the royalty, and the scholarships of government sector. In addition, there will be incomes from
tax and revenue such as corporate income tax, withholding tax, value added tax, and excise tax, and including dividend from the part of shares owned by
government (in proportion owned 10% of total).

Provincial Level Benefit
1.The royalty of 20%, approximately 5,710 million Baht will be allocated to Provincial Administration Organization (PAO) for the Udon Thani community
development, such as   infrastructure and another 10% that will be allocated to sub-district outside patent permit area, approximately in the amounts
of 2,855 Baht.

2.The expenses of the project and its workers through various businesses in Udon Thani province during 22 years period of the potash productions will
increase as expanding the latency of the products and/or services for the provincial outputs and other economic sectors. 

Community Development Benefit

1.The royalty of 20%, approximately 5,710 million Baht will be allocated equally to all 5 Sub-districts Administration Organization (SAOs) in the patent
permit area for community development and livelihood improvement in the whole life project.

2.The employment generated in the project will significantly enhance the economic activities in the nearby communities to be developed.

3.The project will benefit the communities in the form of various funds for monitoring, compensation, and promotion of community benefit, as follows:

For Monitoring
- Stakeholders’ Mutual Monitoring Fund (approximately 50 million Baht) will support the mutual monitoring of the project by the public
after the mining license granted.

- Health Monitoring Fund (100 million Baht) will be allocated as budget to people in the study area, for monitoring of health impacts on local residence
inside project area and other potential environmental impacts area, which possibly affected by the project implementation in the mine construction
period and the mine operation.

- Village Development Fund (300 million Baht) will be allocated as fund to monitor the project implementation, follow up the possible impacts and for public
relation activities in order to distribute the correct information of project.

For Compensation
- Land Compensation of the land in the concession or mining lease area, (1,200 million baht) is made directly to the landowners.

- Household Compensation, (1,040 million baht) is made directly to the local resident by individuals for households living in the concession or mining
lease area.
- Environment Risk Assurance and Community Life Quality Development Fund, (100 million baht) will be reserved for the environmental remediation
expenses for any environmental impacts caused from the mining activities. The fund is also reserved for the advance payment to the local people
who are impacted from the mining activities, in case that the insurance company delays the payment process or takes time to evaluate the damage
to identify case. In case there is no any of environmental problems, the budget will be further used for the development quality of life, or for the well-being
of people in the nearby project area.

For Community Promotion
- Scholarship for youth (60 million baht) will be allocated to the local youth students.  The opportunity of education is the important foundation in human
resource development and in upgrade the living quality of the youth, which will be the future people of Udon Thani province.

- Fertilizer fund for Farmers (100 million baht) will be allocated as an assurance for farmers in the mining licence area that they will get the cheaper fertilizer price
than the normal market. The ways of doing this, by refunding or discounting for the farmers in mining licence area, who purchased fertilizer for their planting.

- Community Welfare Fund (200 million baht) will be allocated to support and develop community in Udon Thani province.